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I have the 6400M running v2.3.9 I have a noise level at 9 S-Units

I have the 6400M running v2.3.9 I have a noise level at 9 S-Units on almost all band above 10 Meters, My question is how can I lower this noise level? Will snap on ferrite cores help and if so what Mix do you recommend? Where should I place the ferrites? on the coax line and powerlead coming from the power supply?


  • YV5WZ
    YV5WZ Member ✭✭
    edited December 2019
    First Question:

    Did you do PEN Upgrade?

    Reference: https://community.flexradio.com/flexradio/topics/very-high-internal-noise-in-the-6600

    Second Question:

    What Smart SDR version are you using?

    Ferrita Mix 31 and 43
    where?  all cables come from and go to computer, all cable from flex and
    to flex , from power supply
    Reference https://community.flexradio.com/flexradio/topics/low-pass-filters-anyone-has-it-on-your-station

    I suggest you read "low noise station" by KY6LA Howard is excellent https://community.flexradio.com/flexradio/people/howard_white

    Best Regards

    George, YV5WZ / PY3ZZZ

    FISHULA X Member ✭✭
    edited April 2020
     Linwood, Hi, This is Nick  in Ohio, What kind of antenna are you using? what bands does it cover? and how high up in the air is your antenna?  How are you feeding your antenna, Coax, Ladder line?  With those questions in mind, I would  try this first If you have another radio, hook it up and see if you still have the issue, If you still do, Try this. Run the radio on a 12 volt battery such as a car battery, This can be easy. You can either bring the car battery inside or, if you don't want to remove your car's battery, you can use an long  utility extension cord, meter the cord out as you have two slots and a ground. I would use one slot for POS and the round ground for the NEG side. Once you metered it out  make sure one slot is POS or hot and the ground  is connected  to the ground prong of the plug,  Use a meter and check the  polarity. If all is good,connect your radio. Now  you need, flip off  all your power at your main box coming into the house.. All your AC/ electricity will be off in the house. Now turn on your radio and see if your noise is still there, If the noise level drops, the problem is inside your house coming from something such as a wall wart. a LED light bulb, a computer power supply and a lot more. If you still have the issue when all your ac in the house is off and your connected to you car battery, Then I would suggest getting your antenna higher. Lots of noise from other things such as your neighbors and power lines can   cause havoc  on your recieve . It could be something so simple like a wall wart that is causing your issue, Also a light dimmer will cause this.  There is a number of things but this is where you start, And about the ferrite cores, I don't think they will help. They are used mostly for keeping your stray RF out of things.near your station. This is a different kind of problem. If you have more questions, just post them. I am sure some other guys will also toss in some additional ideas, But I think they will agree this is a good way  to start.to isolate your issue.
        Good luck, 73, Nick 
  • Lynwood Wilson
    edited September 2018
    I live in a HOA, put up a end feed dipole, my coax run right next to where the power comes in outside. I checked on another radio and the high noise level is there also, switch to my indoor dipole and the noise is gone. I think the coax is picking up the noise from the electrical, hoping some ferrites on the coax line and power supply line helps.  
    FISHULA X Member ✭✭
    edited April 2020
     Yep  your getting the noise because your too close, You can try the beads but  I don't think it will help you. You need to move where your coming in. That's my suggestion. And end feds pick up a lot of noise with that Unan, There almost like noise magnets. I have one and I get high levels also,
                       Hope you fix your problem because It sucks not being able to enjoy your hobby,
     Try and think of another way to bring in the coax far away from the electrical.  Nick
  • WQ2H - Jim Poulette
    edited March 2020
    Hi Lynwood,

    I would recommend as much "spacial isolation" as possible between the service entrance and your feed line entrance. Opposite corners is recommended. Controlling ground currents is also important. Here's an image that our club uses that has proven useful. Good luck!

    Jim, WQ2H

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