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Flex 6400M SWR with AMP

9K2MY Member
i have Flex 6400M i use it with Alpha 9500 AMP but there is one problem i get SWR only on radio it reach 2
before i using Yaesu FT-950 and there is no problem so how i can fix this problem 
i changed the coax cable but still same problem only with flex

Best Regards


  • Steven WA8Y
    Steven WA8Y Member ✭✭
    edited August 2019
    Turn off the Flex ATU
  • KL4QG
    KL4QG Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    Are you using. external antenna. tuner I’m using Ameritron ATR-30 tuner and I shut off auto tuner on Flex 6400M— I’m using Ten Tec Titan 425 amp 1500 watts

    Your radio sees the resistance being connected everything

    Bring your SWR to close 1/1 with external tuner

    SWR meter-Radio fine don’t watch SWR meter on radio just your tuner SWR meter read
  • 9K2MY
    9K2MY Member
    edited August 2019
    It turned off
  • 9K2MY
    9K2MY Member
    edited August 2019
    No external tuner and the swr meter showing 1 to 1.2 maximum swr but on radio 1.4 to 1.6 maximum i changed all coax also when i used the dummy load still same problem no swr on amp or swr meter only on Flex Radii
  • HCampbell  WB4IVF
    HCampbell WB4IVF Member ✭✭
    edited August 2019

    Your external SWR meter, the amp SWR meter, and the Flex SWR meter probably have different designs, different tolerances, and are in different locations in the transmit chain, so will usually have different readings, which is normal.  Since the Flex sees a low SWR of 1.4 - 1.6:1, it will not fold back on power.   You do not have a problem.

  • KL4QG
    KL4QG Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    If you using amp you should have a tuner too with it
    Hear my setup Flex 6400M /amp/ /Tunerimage
  • 9K2MY
    9K2MY Member
    edited August 2019
    thanks bro there is one more thing whats is the maximum safe SWR for Transceiver ?

  • HCampbell  WB4IVF
    HCampbell WB4IVF Member ✭✭
    edited August 2019

    Yasser, Flex has stated that the power foldback of the 6xxx radios starts at 25 watts reflected power, and is not based on SWR.  So at max output the 6xxx can tolerate up to about a 3:1 SWR, and even higher SWR at lower outputs.  But I always keep mine under 2:1, and usually lower.

    BTW Joe, I have the ATR-30 also, in my opinion about the best manual tuner out there!


  • KL4QG
    KL4QG Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    Agree on Ameritron ATR 30 it’s unbreakable gives me piece of mind and safe heaven for amp and Flex 6400M It’s like a mother watching over her children very protective lol

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