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Facebook Login Issues SSDR 2.5.1

Ken Hansen
Ken Hansen Member ✭✭
edited November 2019 in SmartSDR for Windows
New laptop, attempting to install/setup SSDR for Windows.

Radio is a 6300 with firmware at 2.5.1, 2.5.1 client software works on old laptop. Same error w/ SSDR 2.6.1

New laptop, can't login to SmartLink via FaceBook login, I get the following error message, not sure if SSDR or FB are in "development mode"


Any advice?

("regular" email login is locked - too many failed attempts - and I never set up a twitter login)

Radio is remote, 90 minutes away and leaving for holiday week in 10 hours! (Of course)

SSDR on iOS works fine, so I'm not "dead in the water" but I would like to have the laptop available as an option for remote listening.

Thanks in advance,

Ken, N2VIP

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