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Am I the only one who thinks that some of the multi-mode features need to move up the Roadmap?

WA6FXT Mike Member ✭✭
edited June 2020 in SmartSDR for Windows
While I understand CWX, Full break-in, multi-button memory keyer and others are important to CW operators and built-in digital modes, such as packet, psk##, aprs, etc, are just as important to digital mode users, some BASIC common features are, IMHO, more important. Features that are common to ALL of those and other modes. Features like: TNF (My favorite), really good NB, NR, ANF, RIT/XIT, Panafall / waterfall, zooming on a slices, display averaging, antenna matrix (Rx/Tx on all of the possible ports). All of these features and all of those I've forgotten to mention are fundamental to all of the modes we want to use. FRS should keep that in mind, when they look at the roadmap. Remember, you can't work them using , if you can't pull them out of the noise and connect the SCU and PA to the correct antenna. I know, my thoughts are over-priced at $0.02 (hihi) 73's all de Mike wa6fxt


  • W4EG
    W4EG Member ✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Mike, You are not alone. Your ideas are great and the additions that you ask for, I support. However, we need to get version 1. release first. Then, as we pay the yearly feeds we can ask for add-on for future implementations to the Roadmap.
  • WA6FXT Mike
    WA6FXT Mike Member ✭✭
    edited June 2018
    w4eg, Yes v1.0 needs top priority. My thoughts are for the next 'drops' / updates. I'm hoping that FRS will reconsider some of the order for the common features, I mentioned, over the mode specific ones. I think the fundamentals are... well, fundamental :)
  • W4EG
    W4EG Member ✭✭
    edited September 2013
    Same here "ditto"
  • Kirk, K6KAR
    Kirk, K6KAR Member ✭✭
    edited May 2014
    Mike, I agree however, there are so many very good 3rd party programs for this purpose (i.e. FLDIGI, MultiPSK, FreeDV etc.), that for me, having a digital program built in would not satisfy my operating needs. As it is, without having access to the capability that these programs offer via Virtual Audio Cables (VAC), or the proposed DAX limits not only my interest but my use of my 6700 as well. I'm very disappointed that FRS has pushed VAC/DAX so far to the right especially, since it was touted as an initial selling point!. Kirk, K6KAR
  • K4EAR
    K4EAR Member ✭✭
    edited June 2017
    I think we need to get the "basics" done 1st, such as persistence, profiles, antenna switching matrix refinement.
  • Bruce, AE0T
    Bruce, AE0T Member
    edited September 2013
    While I feel this radio is superb, my primary interest is digital. I've held my comments because, being a software engineer myself, I realize how long of a software development effort of this magnitude can take. When we were initially told that this radio would have VAC, DAX, CWX, etc., when it came out I was excited that everything that existed in PSDR would be there although I was skeptical . One other thing I find especially nice, and I don't remember its name, but it's the delay that could be switched on between left and right channels which really brings out signals. The point I am trying to make, like the others, is digital is a very high priority as well with most of us... please push these forward as quickly as you can. And thank you for advancing the start of the art which is one of the tenants that hams are known for and we often forget is one of the very reason we exist. Thank you for what must be a hard working and dedicated team.
  • WA6FXT Mike
    WA6FXT Mike Member ✭✭
    edited September 2016
    Kirk, The 6700 not having DAX does not prevent you from working digital, it simply delays the digital audio path; however the physical audio path exists (i.e. cables from the 6700 to the PC); whereas, lack of proper DSP functions limits the radios ability to receive the signals.
  • WA6FXT Mike
    WA6FXT Mike Member ✭✭
    edited September 2016
    Don't forget the DSP improvements, NB, NR, ANF, TNF, that make the SDR the radio of choice.
  • N4AB
    N4AB Member ✭✭
    edited August 2018
    I'm all for getting Version 1 'on the street" but I also think it should have all the features that were advertised in the release paperwork and at the hamfests. Until then what is the rush for the release of Version 1. There still is a lot of work to do fixing bugs and glitches. My 2 cents worth. Al N4AB
  • Kirk, K6KAR
    Kirk, K6KAR Member ✭✭
    edited May 2014
    Mike, I'm clearly aware of that fact but thanks for sharing. Having been a long time user of SDR products and VAC, I refuse to go back to the cable interface. For me, this would be a backward move. Kirk, K6KAR
  • Al_NN4ZZ
    Al_NN4ZZ Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2016
    Agree 100% --- Once the production version is out, the "preview stage" is over. People will rightfully expect the basic things to work. For example, my only use of the radio is for CW and I've been using the internal keyer. Hopefully the sluggishness and "space insertion" bug will be fixed before V1.0. (not saying this is the only issue, the other basics mentioned above are also critical). I couldn't recommend the 6700 internal keyer to my CW friends as it is and I'm sure others feel the same way about other modes like digital. It may be in the best interest of FRS to delay V1.0 until it is solid before declaring it is "production ready." From a lesson I learned in software development --- In a year or two people will forget V1.0 was delayed a month or two. But if it is released on time with serious issues, that will likely be remembered far longer. Regards, Al / NN4ZZ
  • W5UN_Dave
    W5UN_Dave Member ✭✭
    edited February 2019
    It's apparent that CW is a slowly dying mode. How sad. I guess we can blame the FCC for that. I see the digital frequencies are getting much more crowded. Even I male a digital contact once in a while.
  • W4YXU
    W4YXU Member
    edited April 2016
    I have been under the impression, apparently erroneous, that VAC presents itself as a sound card to user software. The "sound card" on my motherboard is like most other motherboard sound cards - it sucks. This is the reason I paid for VAC which just does its thing. Perhaps we could have a basic ability to consider VAC as a sound card sooner and DAX to come along later?
  • Paul RN3A
    Paul RN3A Member
    edited September 2013
    Let's be honest here - this radio has great potential, which is yet to be implemented. Is there anybody here who can say that they are ready to take out their old radio, put it on a shelf and put 6X00 radio to replace it? I don't think so. I fully agree with Mike WA6FXT that basic things need to be fixed first. However, it is a question which does not have a common answer yet - which things FRS consider to be BASIC and FUNDAMENTAL for ver.1.0 release? And will they be ready to deliver it as promised? May I have a suggestion here. Let's have a look at the list of things to be delivered with v1.0 release. And if FRS comes back with a message that ver1.0 release will be delayed for another couple of weeks (months) - so be it. It just needs to be robust and reliable, and have set of features good enough, so that at least 75% of us could take out their old radios. And only after this thing happens - then we can start broad discussion on a "nice-to-have" list of things in future ver.X releases. What do all think about it?
  • K4EAR
    K4EAR Member ✭✭
    edited April 2014
    I concur...
  • WA6FXT Mike
    WA6FXT Mike Member ✭✭
    edited September 2016
    Dave - Actually, I've seen a number of reports that CW is on the rise, primarily BECAUSE it no longer is required and people are looking at it as something they might like; rather than something they MUST do. 73's Mike
  • Tom-KJ4QDZ
    Tom-KJ4QDZ Member
    edited September 2013
    Looking at the SmartSDR-Win_Roadmap.pdf , I have to agree with Mike. I had only just received my 6500 yesterday and have seen the software working for the first time. There are several things I prefer to have asap. I really do not want to wait until July and October 2014 for Profiles, DNF and Downward expander. THATS ONE YEAR FROM NOW!!
  • Andrew Mason
    Andrew Mason Member
    edited September 2013
    2 years ago at Dayton, I was told by FR that the 6700 hardware was in place and that the software only needed a little tweaking, so I ordered one. Well here it is Sept.2013, and my Flex5k has more basic features than my 6700.The only thing I can figure is that FR wants to get that 1 year clock running and then after a year it is going to be $200 to get the updates. Hopefully Version1 will bring the 6700 up to and above the Flex5k. 73, Andy wa9kpz
  • Kirk, K6KAR
    Kirk, K6KAR Member ✭✭
    edited May 2014
    Andy, et.al., Regarding your comments as well as others,, I absolutely agree with you.. At this point, I don't even bother to turn on my 6700. Based upon my operating interests, it's next to worthless without doing a direct connect to my computer. For me, this would be moving backwards. FR has only offered a lot of hype and false promises. A couple of weeks ago, FR sent out a project time line. Based upon this, I doubt that we'll be any better off with version 1 or 1.1. Obviously, time will tell but based upon the SCAM that has occurred, I'm not hopeful we'll see much improvement. Indeed, very disappointing. For sure, the 6000 series radios are not something I will recommend.. 73, Kirk, K6KAR
  • Ernest - W4EG
    Ernest - W4EG Member ✭✭
    edited January 2020
    All you guys that are complaining about FRS promises, hype and false promises: Have obviously not read many (If any) of the weekly news letters and this forum. These are ridiculous comments that have been addressed by the Company times and times all over again. If you know better? Why haven't you start competing for this new and needed market? If you are dissatisfied with your purchase and your failure to educate your self to the current issues; get rid of the radio and buy the ones with KNOBS. As a long time user of the Company products starting with the F1K (for all you that don't know, that is a Flex-1000) and all other units to the present F6.7GPSDO. So, maybe they did not delivered X,Y or Z; I HAVE NOT been disappointed. They surpassed the rice box competitors. In my book Elecraft is a close second (but I DO NOT WANT KNOBS!) I know that you bought X,Y or Z radios and they were never updated. You never complaint. You follow as sheep's and bought the next model because they added a new this or that. The only thing I am asking (unless you want to be consider to be a follower) do some research, see if your question has been addressed before you place your call sign behind posting as seeing here. (my 2 cents worth)
  • DonS
    DonS Member ✭✭✭
    edited September 2013
    I agree.
  • G4BIM
    G4BIM Member
    edited January 2015
    What Planet is Kirk on? Is he really using a Flex 6700 or just thinks he is... This radio is the greatest step forward in Technology and performance available to the Amateur market ever. Please be patient
  • Ken - NM9P
    Ken - NM9P Member ✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    I note that all of the previous comments are 4 months old or older. So I won't argue with them, since many things may have changed since then. As of this writing, I am using my 6500 exclusively, having sold the TS-850SAT that I have owned since purchased new 20 years ago. I have found that since the excellent implementation of CW in v. 1.0 and the release of v. 1.0.24 with DAX & RIT/XIT this rig has made an excellent showing. YES, there are still some bugs and quirks. They are frustrating, but this is Beta software and I have had the privilege of utilizing several excellent embellishments while the small bugs are worked out. I have operated several contests - SSB, CW & RTTY, and find the excellent receiver has given me a great advantage. Once they fix a few more things, like band changes via software and spotting programs, CW transmit via the Virtual Serial Port, and Mike/DAX auto switching which will allow voice keyers or digital modes with PTT-Mike override, this will be a truly impressive rig. As for the nay-sayers... pay them no mind. Some people get it in their head NOT to like something or someone because of an unfulfilled or misunderstood expectation and nothing will ever make them happy again but perfection. Frankly, I would rather have my 6500, even with a few bugs and quirks as it is than spend twice or three times as much for a TS-990, IC-7800, or several of the new Yaesu rigs. And I get new features regularly as the technology and programming ideas expand. I haven't had this much fun on ham radio in years! Have fun!

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